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Are you an innovator, an investor, an entrepreneur, or a professional interested in relocating to Mauritius? Then Grammont Management Ltd has the solution for you. As your trusted management company and solution provider, Grammont can assist you in obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit (PRP) in Mauritius for at least 20 years, including your family!


Who qualifies for permanent residency?

Holders of Occupational or Residence Permit are eligible for application, provided one of the following criteria are met.


  • With an annual gross income of a minimum MUR 15 million that have been present and active in Mauritius for three years prior to their application.

  • With a total turnover of MUR 45 million in the last three years prior to their application.


  • Whose business will have an annual income of MUR 3 million for three continuous years prior to their application.


  • With a monthly salary minimum of MUR 150,000 for three years prior to their application.


  • With minimum transfers of USD 54,000 (or another currency equivalent) for three continuous years prior to their application.

If you wish to be part of Africa’s most established business hub and enjoy Mauritius’s benefits, contact us today; we will guide you through all requirements.

© 2023 by Grammont Management Ltd

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